Sun Exposure and Vitamin D Serum Level
Serum Level by Sun Exposure Amount for Non-Supplement Takers This chart shows average 25(OH)D levels (ng/ml) for non supplement takers...
Serum Level by Sun Exposure Amount for Non-Supplement Takers This chart shows average 25(OH)D levels (ng/ml) for non supplement takers...
Average Serum Level by Vitamin D Supplement Amount Chart showing the average 25(OH)D serum level (ng/mL) by daily vitamin...
Vitamin D Status by Indoor Tanning Use for Non-Supplement Takers Chart showing vitamin D status by use of indoor...
12 Steps to Reducing Fetal Exposures by Environment & Human Health, Inc. Although obstetricians warn pregnant women not to...
80%+ of Pregnant Women are Vitamin D Deficient Protect Our Children NOW! Put a stake in the ground –...
Disease Risk Reduction Chart – Pregnancy & Children Results from multiple studies regarding the association between vitamin D level...