Breast Cancer and Vitamin D Research The following chart comes from Abbas et. al, 2008: Abbas et al. studied 2,759 post-menopausal women in Germany, aged 50-74 years old at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, Germany...
GrassrootsHealth has compared the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES, 2009-2010) data to look at rates and trends of vitamin D deficiency in the United States in both adults and children and how...
The chart below demonstrates the profound influence that season can have on vitamin D levels and risk of deficiency. During the summertime, for example, there is a 70% decreased risk of vitamin D...
One of the misconceptions about vitamin D is that increased vitamin D levels can increase the risk for kidney stones. Upon examination of the D*action population, GrassrootsHealth was able to show an opposite effect....
Vitamin D comes from the synthesis of UVB radiation, which is less than 5% of the sunshine. Depending on the time of day and time of year, there may not be enough UVB to...
Vitamin D and Cancer Risk Below is a chart from recent research on vitamin D and cancer. What is your level? Are you doing all you can to reduce your risk of cancer? What?...
In the GrassrootsHealth questionnaire that accompanies D*action, participants are asked whether they had a cold or flu in the previous 6 months. What can we learn from this data? 33% of D*action participants experienced...
We asked the first 77 participants in D*action+Omega-3 about their supplementation habits: 83% of participants report taking an Omega-3 supplement (14% take >1) The most popular brand is Mercola Krill Oil (23%) A majority take...
Is your doctor telling you that you are taking too much vitamin D? The chart below, based on a review published by Hathcock et al., shows the incidence of vitamin D toxicity in relation to daily...