In earlier posts we showed that fewer GrassrootsHealth participants who reported that they usually took supplemental vitamin C experienced a cold and the flu compared to those who did not. Vitamin D is also...
Vitamin C is an important nutrient for immune function. In an earlier post we showed that fewer GrassrootsHealth participants who reported that they usually took supplemental vitamin C experienced a cold compared to those...
Vitamin C is an important nutrient for immune function and studies have shown that taking vitamin C could reduce the risk of getting a cold. Using the data you provided for the GrassrootsHealth study,...
For our final post of the series on Cold and Flu Season is Approaching, we will be focusing on what else, besides vitamin D, might help decrease the risk of getting a cold or...
Our “Cold and Flu Season is Approaching” series began with an introduction to the correlations seen between cold and flu season and seasonal changes in vitamin D levels, and was followed by a post...
In our last post about cold and flu season approaching, we reviewed similarities between months with the highest flu activity and vitamin D levels in a general population, as well as the risk reduction...
October is generally the month when we start to see an increase in cold and flu activity. What can you do, starting now, to decrease your chances of getting the cold or flu, or...
Vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to boost the immune system. Using the data you provided for the GrassrootsHealth study, we assessed the combined effect of vitamin D and omega-3 nutrient...
Published yesterday in the Journal of Medical Case Reports is a new paper from GrassrootsHealth. Titled “25-Hydroxyvitamin D variability within-person due to diurnal rhythm and illness: a case report,” the objective of this study...
February 8, 2018 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates, this winter’s flu season is on track to be worse than that of the 2014-2015 season when 34 million Americans...
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