Hormone balance along with vitamin D optimization are key to optimal health. Testing of thyroid hormones and toxic and essential elements helps get to the root of certain symptoms related to issues involving the...
New study reveals a significantly lower incidence of respiratory infections among children and teens getting more vitamin D Key Points A study among children and teens ages 1 through 18 years found that those getting...
Optimizing vitamin D levels to 50 ng/ml among critical care patients resulted in reduced hospital acquired infections and improved patient outcomes Key Points A critical care hospital in North Dakota implemented protocols to achieve...
New study finds 21% lower risk of heart failure and almost 50% lower risk of death among individuals with the highest blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids compared to the lowest levels Key Points...
Check out these new short videos – please share them and send us your feedback! A huge thank you to Michelle Anderson, a Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) student, whose passion about vitamin D,...
Dr. Michael Holick’s review article responding to the latest Endocrine Society update on vitamin D guidelines has now been published! Congratulations Dr. Holick! Key Points In his latest publication, Dr. Holick offers a well-rounded...
Today we will provide several more answers to questions submitted during the Clearing Confusion Around Vitamin D virtual forum Key Points A post criticizing the findings of a study by two GrassrootsHealth scientist panel...
Understand the importance of vitamin D, and knowing what your vitamin D level is, for flu prevention, immune strength, and overall health before peak flu season hits In a recent video, Dr. John Campbell...
Answers to your questions about vitamins D and K submitted during the virtual forum, along with an overview of the health benefits of vitamin K and whether supplementation is necessary. Key Points While there...
PLUS Save 15% when Measuring these Nutrients, PLUS Get the Breast Cancer Research Review eBook ($19 value) and the Vitamin D eGuide FREE with your purchase this month for Breast Cancer Prevention and Awareness...