
Could Vitamin D Prevent a Flu Epidemic?

February 8, 2018 According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates, this winter’s flu season is on track to be worse than that of the 2014-2015 season when 34 million Americans...

Tomorrow is Vitamin D Day

November 1, 2016 Vitamin D day was created by the Vitamin D Society and is co-sponsored by both GrassrootsHealth and Vitamin D Council. The Vitamin D day web site has great beginner materials including...

Get Ready for Cold and Flu Season

September 7, 2016 This week are sharing your data with respect to cold and flu prevention. Does a higher vitamin D serum level decrease the likelihood of getting a cold or flu? In the...

Does vitamin D prevent colds and flu?

September 2, 2015 There has been a lot written about the decrease in the incidence of colds and flu (see our own chart below) and, the evidence is strong for prevention. But, what happens...