
Where are GrassrootsHealth participants located?

More than 13,000 people worldwide have participated in the GrassrootsHealth study! In this blog series we will be taking a look at the characteristics of the GrassrootsHealth participants. Where are the GrassrootsHealth participants located?...

New Sponsors for Health!

Are your friends, family, businesses, customers suffering from vitamin D deficiency? The probability is that at least 60-80% of them are! We have found a way to add a lot of new sponsors at...

How to Start with Vitamin D

Today we wanted to give you a blog that is meant for someone new to vitamin D. For most of you on our subscription this is old news – so we ask for you...

Congratulations to the Vitamin D Scientists!

Congratulations to the scientists from our International Scientists Panel who made Expertscape’s list of the top 12 experts in Vitamin D Deficiency! Expertscape, an organization that ranks persons according to their demonstrated expertise in...

Postpone Chronic Disease

Given that we have longer lifespans, how can we live healthy until we die? Between 1900 and 2000 the average US lifespan has increased from 47 to 77 years. What if you wished for...