Join the latest GrassrootsHealth, Nutrient*action project to learn more about the relationship between essential nutrients and how our immune system responds to diseases such as COVID-19. Introducing the What is the project goal? The...
One of the primary reasons for the current issue with the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic is that so many people do not have a healthy enough immune response to protect them when they get exposed...
Vitamin D plays many very important roles in immune health, including immune and inflammation modulating functions directly within the lungs. Cellular models have demonstrated the direct effect of vitamin D deficiency on the tissues...
GrassrootsHealth was founded to get the message out that vitamin D levels matter… beginning with a consensus statement from over 40 vitamin D scientists from around the world recommending an optimal target of 40-60...
Vitamin D regulation is an integral component of a healthy immune system. Current evidence suggests that active vitamin D regulates immune activity in the lung and that its activity confers effective and lasting immunity...
The evidence for a relationship between vitamin D, immune function, and COVID-19 outcomes continues to grow. Many studies have noted a relationship between circumstances in which vitamin D deficiency is more prevalent (such as...
Decades of research have identified vitamin D as a vital component to a healthy immune system. Now, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, there is talk about vitamin D and its possible role in decreasing the...
We have shared and will continue to share a wealth of information on vitamin D and numerous other nutrients (such as omega-3s, vitamin C, magnesium and zinc) that are important for immune system function....
As of now, there has been much talk about vitamin D and its possible role in decreasing the risk of COVID-19 infection, and while there has not yet been a published randomized controlled trial...
Vitamin D has a central and complex relationship with the functioning immune system. Vitamin D is important for everything from immune cell activation and modulation to inflammatory regulation, with direct influences on the lung...