
Anticancer Effects of Vitamin D

How does vitamin D work to help prevent cancer? Here is a simplified explanation of the multiple ways vitamin D can help the body to fight cancer. Over 40 years ago, Dr. Cedric Garland...

Vitamin D Helps Fight COVID-19: Part 2

How vitamin D helps to protect against SARS-CoV-2 infection and improve outcomes in those with active COVID-19 Vitamin D is used by every cell of the body, influences the expression of thousands of genes,...

How Vitamin D Helps Fight COVID-19: Part 1

A simplified review of how vitamin D helps to protect against COVID-19 infection and improve outcomes in those with COVID-19 Vitamin D deficiency has now been shown to increase susceptibility to COVID-19 and increase...

Gauging Your Vitamin D Status

Do you ever wonder how to have “the vitamin D” conversation with others in a simple, concise way that is easy to remember and understand? Perhaps you have shared about the importance of vitamin...