Many are still unaware about vitamin D, and the resulting health consequences can be devastating – here is how you can help. Key Points Over the years, we have received many stories describing how...
Research shows that more sunshine in your life can help you live healthier, longer, and that avoiding sunshine could be the 4th major lifestyle factor leading to early death Key Points Researchers discovered the...
15% Off for DNA Day! Help protect your DNA and improve its utilization by ensuring adequate concentrations of vitamin D, magnesium and omega 3s Key Points One of the most important functions of vitamin...
Black Maternal Health Week is April 11-17th: Help share information on this important initiative with the information included in this email Key Points The risk of vitamin D deficiency is greatest for Blacks, making...
PLUS 2-Day Flash Sale Ends Today! Two new papers demonstrate the relationship between vitamin D level and mortality risk Key Points A previous study found that death from all causes (including heart disease, and...
Studies find benefit of vitamin D, omega-3s, and several other key nutrients in sleep regulation and quality of sleep Key Points Lack of sleep can be attributed to many factors, however, for individuals struggling...
A new 2024 study finds up to 25% increased risk of dementia among adults with vitamin D deficiency; omega-3s are also important Key Points A new study looked at data from 269,229 adults (ages...
Studies find added benefit from the combined supplementation of vitamin D and L-cysteine for vitamin D status and activity versus vitamin D supplementation alone Key Points Research over the last several years has illustrated...
A two-year follow up of VITAL trial participants highlights the lasting benefit of omega-3 supplements and the importance of continued daily supplementation with vitamin D Key Points Two years after discontinuing supplementation through the...
Vitamin D deficiency upon ICU admission shown to increase 28-day mortality risk by over 4-fold, worse post-surgical outcomes also associated with low vitamin D status Key Points A study of 236 intensive care unit...