Last month, October, was Breast Cancer Awareness Month, although here at GrassrootsHealth Nutrient Research Institute we prefer to focus on breast cancer prevention. To help educate the public on the effects of certain nutrients...
In a previous post, we discussed several different forms of magnesium found in supplements, and which were the most popular among GrassrootsHealth participants. Each form consists of a magnesium molecule or ion attached to...
Atrial fibrillation (also called Afib or AF), is an irregular, often rapid heart rate that can cause symptoms such as heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and weakness. It affects an estimated 2.7 million Americans...
In a previous post, certain diseases and conditions that could cause magnesium deficiency were reviewed, among them were uncontrolled metabolic syndrome and diabetes, due mainly to the increased urinary excretion of magnesium. It is...
Did you know that magnesium supplementation has some of the same effects on cholesterol as statin drugs? Today we will highlight key insights from a paper by Andrea Rosanoff and Mildred Seelig which compare...
In our last post about magnesium, we discussed magnesium intake and the high proportion of the population whose intake from the diet is well below the recommended daily intake level. Today, we will talk...
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body. It is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions and is a necessary component for energy metabolism, muscle function, blood pressure regulation, insulin metabolism,...
Gestational diabetes, which causes high blood sugar and can lead to fetal and maternal complications, affects 5% of pregnancies worldwide. In women with gestational diabetes, extra calories and increased weight induce inflammatory pathways which...
Getting enough magnesium can make a difference in how vitamin D affects certain health outcomes Key Points Magnesium is an important co-nutrient for vitamin D, and is needed to help vitamin D carry out...
Magnesium is a mineral essential for many functions within the body including blood pressure regulation, bone health, blood glucose control, and vitamin D activation. Magnesium deficiency is common world-wide and low magnesium levels have been...