According to the National Institute of Mental Health, postpartum depression affects between 7-13 percent of all mothers. Postpartum depression can occur between a few weeks after birth, all the way until a year after...
Studies have shown that an Omega-3 Index greater than 8% is optimal and less than 4% is deficient, particularly for cardiovascular health. Yesterday, we presented information from a GrassrootsHealth analysis on omega-3 status and...
The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends 1-2 servings of seafood per week, however, that recommendation may not be enough to reach an Omega-3 Index of at least 8%. A score of 8% or greater...
GrassrootHealth believes that the key to moving research into practice is to equip individuals with the knowledge needed to take charge of their own health. By providing people with information about the health benefits...
In an earlier post we explored the evidence supporting the health benefits of achieving an Omega-3 Index of at least 8%. Since mid-2017, GrassrootsHealth has offered a home blood spot test for the Omega-3...
The Omega-3 Index is a measurement of the amount of the EPA and DHA in red blood cell (RBC) membranes. EPA and DHA, which are found in fish and shellfish as well as some...
Last week, we discussed the importance of vitamin D for sports health, due to its role in musculoskeletal health. Today we will focus on the benefits of omega-3s for the everyday athlete due to...
In earlier posts we explored the relationship between vitamin D level, Omega-3 Index, and vitamin C intake and the occurrence of colds and the flu separately. In the final blog post of this series,...
In earlier posts we explored the relationship between vitamin C intake and Omega-3 Index and the occurrence of colds and the flu separately. Using the data you provided for the GrassrootsHealth study, we’ll explore...
In earlier posts we explored the relationship between vitamin D level and Omega-3 Index and the occurrence of colds and the flu separately. Using the data you provided for the GrassrootsHealth study, we’ll explore...