In September 2015, the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) initiated a new standard of care for pregnant women that included routine vitamin D testing and supplementation to reduce preterm birth. Results from year...
The “Barker Hypothesis,” also known as the “The Fetal Origins Hypothesis,” theorizes that certain adult-onset diseases originate from nutritional deficiencies during the perinatal period (during pregnancy or in early infancy). These damages are irreversible...
Our Disease Incidence Prevention (DIP) chart has been instrumental as a communication tool in clinics, doctor’s offices, and community centers across the country. It is a quick way to see how vitamin D levels...
The role of vitamin D in pregnancy and lactation; emerging concepts by Carol Wagner et al. provides a thorough summary of how vitamin D can affect the life of the child during its...
Vitamin D has helped me to walk, to sleep, to get off medication Tell us a little about yourself. My name is Zuleika Jamal. I am a 63-year-old woman living in the Metro DC...
September 27, 2018 By Carole Baggerly Last week, I was at the FDA in Washington, DC to present a health claim petition about the effect of vitamin D on preterm birth prevention, with Dr....
History Try this experiment. Go to your medicine cabinet and pull out your vitamins. Read the small print. Do they make any health claims? For example, we have reported many times that vitamin D...
A recent article published in the East-Bay Area, California, makes a rousing cry for change within the healthcare system in order to protect Black mothers and their babies. The very detailed article interviews...
It is a sad state of affairs when a news piece is done on research and only the headline is discussed. What about the details? Do researchers painstakingly crunch numbers, follow diligent statistical guidelines,...