
World Prematurity Day November 17th

World Prematurity Day was first started on November 17, 2008 by the European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants (EFCNI) at a meeting of European Parents’ Organizations. Since that time, the March of...

More to Health than Vitamin D

In working with participants from around the world, tracking their health and their vitamin D intake and levels, we have been able to report several positive health outcomes and benefits of having a vitamin...

Where are GrassrootsHealth participants located?

More than 13,000 people worldwide have participated in the GrassrootsHealth study! In this blog series we will be taking a look at the characteristics of the GrassrootsHealth participants. Where are the GrassrootsHealth participants located?...

Dr. Tony Norman Passes Away at Age 81

  We are saddened to learn of the passing of Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences Emeritus Anthony Norman, Ph.D. He passed away on June 14 at the age of 81. From Carole...