Are you stuck in a cycle of trial and error trying to get rid of these symptoms? Find out if the underlying cause is thyroid disfunction! Key Points Symptoms arising due to a dysfunctional...
Hormone balance along with vitamin D optimization are key to optimal health. Testing of thyroid hormones and toxic and essential elements helps get to the root of certain symptoms related to issues involving the...
What does the published research say about vitamin D and thyroid function, especially for Hashimoto’s patients? Learn and share for January’s Thyroid Awareness Month Key Points A study by Mirhosseini et al. in which...
Learn and share how certain nutrients, especially vitamin D, can influence thyroid function and health this January, for Thyroid Awareness Month! Key Points Nutrients such as iodine, selenium, zinc, B-vitamins, vitamin D, vitamin A...
Video Friday: Must-know information about biotin… Have you received a higher vitamin D result from another lab? This could be why. Key Points Supplemental biotin may interfere with certain immunoassay lab tests, leading to...
Study shows supplementing to achieve a vitamin D level of at least 40 ng/ml (100 nmol/L) significantly decreased auto-immune thyroid disease Autoimmune disease happens when our own immune system begins attacking our own cells....
Video Friday: Learn about the production and balance of thyroid hormones and how specific nutrients play a role in optimal thyroid function Certain nutrients, such as iodine, selenium, zinc, B-vitamins, vitamin D, vitamin A...
Study shows optimal thyroid function may require a vitamin D level of at least 50 ng/ml (125 nmol/L) The thyroid is a gland that produces, stores, and releases thyroid hormones, which are important to...
Monday June 14th was Carole’s birthday! Share the abundant gifts that you have helped create. It’s GrassrootsHealth’s founder Carole Baggerly’s BIRTHDAY week! June 14th was a very special day in honoring everyone’s work to...
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland that stimulates the production of hormones from the thyroid that are essential to many bodily functions such as metabolism, brain development, bone health,...
How Low Did Your Winter D Level Get? Find Out Now with 15% Off PLUS the Sunshine eBook FREE! Use code WINTERD Hurry! Offer ends Sunday, March 23rd, 2025 at 11.59PM PST. (Offer not valid on the T1D Prevention Test Kit)