
Published on February 17, 2016

February 17, 2016

As highlighted in our newsletter at the beginning of the month, February is American Heart Month. One of the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease is diabetes – a disease known to be associated with vitamin D status. While the association has been documented for many years, including a 2008 analysis showing a connection to latitude, we were recently able to use your D*action data to help isolate the range of vitamin D status that appears to be most closely associated with type 2 diabetes!

The GrassrootsHealth diabetes paper, published using YOUR Data, shows a full 60% lower rate of incidence of type 2 diabetes in the D*action group with a median serum level of 41 ng/ml vs. a median of 22 ng/ml from a group representing national health status (NHANES). Another very significant finding was that the data were consistent with previous data we have published showing a sigmoidal (S-shaped) response curve with the serum level, and not a straight line:

  • there is a flat (no) response for people under 10 ng/ml
  • between 10 ng/ml and 30-35 ng/ml, there is a very definite positive clinical response and
  • no additional effect above 30-35 ng/ml

Learn more about the diabetes data and paper, system-specific nutrient response curves and what they mean to vitamin D research, and another great participant testimonial.

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