Research shows that more sunshine in your life can help you live healthier, longer, and that avoiding sunshine could be the 4th major lifestyle factor leading to early death Key Points Researchers discovered the...
Wavelengths of Energy from Sunshine: UVB, UVA, Red, Near Infrared, Far Infrared, and Blue Light from sunshine all have unique health consequences Key Points There are several wavelengths of energy from sunshine that trigger...
The progression of type 1 diabetes can be greatly affected by an individual’s vitamin D status and by their ratio of fatty acids AA to EPA Key Points There is now much published evidence...
Updated recommendations emphasize an individualized approach to sun exposure and sun protection based on skin type in order to maximize benefits and reduce harms Key Points In March 2023, Australia became the first country...
A review of several studies showing significant improvements in depression and other mood disorders when addressing vitamin D and other deficiencies, especially among children and teens Key Points Several studies summarized here demonstrate the...
15% Off for DNA Day! Help protect your DNA and improve its utilization by ensuring adequate concentrations of vitamin D, magnesium and omega 3s Key Points One of the most important functions of vitamin...
Help protect your DNA and improve its utilization by ensuring adequate concentrations of vitamin D, magnesium and omega 3s Key Points Nutritional genomics, also known as nutrigenomics, is a growing field of research on...
Another meta-analysis confirms previous findings on risk reductions in cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular death provided by omega-3 fatty acids Key Points There have been many studies on the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids for...
Find answers to all of the top questions about your test results and how those results relate to your health, all from a single page Key Points From the new Participant Resources page, you...
Meta-analysis including 43 randomized controlled trials finds significant benefits for COPD patients taking vitamin D supplements Key Points A new study analyzed data from 43 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to find that vitamin D...