What can you do to address inflammation and immune dysregulation? Use this 10% Off Offer to help manage inflammation and boost your immune system Key Points An estimated 10-30% of people who have been...
New study finds magnesium levels significantly predicted COVID-19 related death and the onset of Long COVID symptoms Key Points Studies have demonstrated an association between low magnesium intake and levels and increased levels of...
Based on the findings of this study, 116,000 deaths due to COVID-19 could possibly have been avoided with vitamin D supplementation alone Key Points A new publication by Gibbons et al. showed a 20-28%...
The importance of vitamin D to help prevent and fight illnesses such as the respiratory infections that are becoming prevalent these winter months Key Points An analysis found that, compared to those with vitamin...
Video Friday: What is the cost (in money, time, and stress) of ignoring the importance of vitamin D and other nutrients for our health and disease PREVENTION? It’s Video Friday! In the video below,...
What these authors defined as vitamin D misinformation is damaging to public health, and may come as a shock to our audience. Dr. William Grant responds to this recent publication on vitamin D ‘misinformation’…...
A review describes the bi-directional links between diabetes and COVID-19; could vitamin D and magnesium affect this relationship and help protect from both? Key Points Studies have revealed the possibility of a reverse association...
A new review of 38 studies found that low vitamin D levels were associated with a significantly doubled increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection, severe COVID-19, and COVID-19 death Key Points A review using data from...
Increased sunlight (not just UVB) is related to reduced COVID-19 disease transmission, severity, and a lower risk of death Key Points A study found seasonal and daily fluctuations with significant variability in immune cell...
Study identifies what makes children more susceptible to severe COVID-19; each risk factor listed is related to vitamin D deficiency Key Points Among children with a vitamin D level below 20 ng/ml (50 nmol/L),...