An explanation of how taking both vitamin D and omega-3s together works to help prevent autoimmune disorders and immune-mediated conditions Key Points Vitamin D has demonstrated anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties; it acts to...
Glutathione levels can directly affect vitamin D status, similar to magnesium. Unfortunately, many things deplete our bodies of glutathione – here’s how to help improve glutathione production to positively affect our health as well...
January is National Staying Healthy Month – here are several key nutrients to help keep you healthy by supporting a strong immune system Key Points Diet, lifestyle (e.g. sleep and exercise patterns), intrinsic factors...
Based on the findings of this study, 116,000 deaths due to COVID-19 could possibly have been avoided with vitamin D supplementation alone Key Points A new publication by Gibbons et al. showed a 20-28%...
The importance of vitamin D to help prevent and fight illnesses such as the respiratory infections that are becoming prevalent these winter months Key Points An analysis found that, compared to those with vitamin...
Video Friday: What is the cost (in money, time, and stress) of ignoring the importance of vitamin D and other nutrients for our health and disease PREVENTION? It’s Video Friday! In the video below,...
What these authors defined as vitamin D misinformation is damaging to public health, and may come as a shock to our audience. Dr. William Grant responds to this recent publication on vitamin D ‘misinformation’…...
A review describes the bi-directional links between diabetes and COVID-19; could vitamin D and magnesium affect this relationship and help protect from both? Key Points Studies have revealed the possibility of a reverse association...
A new review of 38 studies found that low vitamin D levels were associated with a significantly doubled increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection, severe COVID-19, and COVID-19 death Key Points A review using data from...
Video Friday: Dr. John Campbell reviews findings from the VITAL trial showing vitamin D reduced the incidence of autoimmune disease by 22% Key Points Autoimmune disease (when the immune system attacks its own tissues)...