The “Barker Hypothesis,” also known as the “The Fetal Origins Hypothesis,” theorizes that certain adult-onset diseases originate from nutritional deficiencies during the perinatal period (during pregnancy or in early infancy). These damages are irreversible...
Do you or someone you know have MS? Are you/they aware of the connection between vitamin D and MS? The information we see is quite clear — vitamin D matters a LOT! With approximately...
Why is vitamin D important? GrassroosHealth summarized many different research papers into one chart in order to explain why vitamin D levels are critical to disease prevention: What? How do I read this? GrassrootsHealth...
April 13, 2016 Last week, we presented the results of a study that we did with a combination of YOUR data and data from the randomized trial published in 2007 by Drs Lappe and...
March 30, 2016 In December 2011, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society convened a two-day meeting of 40 MS experts from around the world. They were neurologists, epidemiologists, clinical trial specialists, laboratorians like me, molecular...
March 23, 2016 Barbara van Amerongen and I met at a Vitamin D Workshop in Brugge, Belgium in 2012. She was very interested in what GrassrootsHealth was doing with a non-clinical trial research approach...
March 16, 2016 The amount of material the major multiple sclerosis organizations have on vitamin D, latitude and MS is colossal. MS organizations are funding research, but it may not adequately represent vitamin D’s...
March 9, 2016 Last week’s news was eye-opening, wasn’t it? Dr. Cicero Coimbra’s treatment may not be the panacea for MS, but it is a treatment and we will be studying it. GrassrootsHealth has...
March 2, 2016 Vitamin D is great for prevention of disease, but what about treatment after you’ve been diagnosed? We will study and report on leading-edge treatments using vitamin D as we find them....