An explanation of findings from a recent study on omega-3 supplements and heart health Key Points A recent study found 5 positive associations between fish oil supplementation and heart health outcomes, yet only the...
Video Friday: Learn how a person’s current health status can influence their target omega-6 to omega-3 ratio and omega-3 intake, and why, with this excellent video Key Points The target range for the Omega-6:3...
Research shows that omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and vitamin D may be helpful for those suffering from migraines and headaches Key Points Published studies show how omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce headache frequency...
A review of several studies showing significant improvements in depression and other mood disorders when addressing vitamin D and other deficiencies, especially among children and teens Key Points Several studies summarized here demonstrate the...
Help protect your DNA and improve its utilization by ensuring adequate concentrations of vitamin D, magnesium and omega 3s Key Points Nutritional genomics, also known as nutrigenomics, is a growing field of research on...
Another meta-analysis confirms previous findings on risk reductions in cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular death provided by omega-3 fatty acids Key Points There have been many studies on the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids for...
Research is now showing evidence that both DHA and EPA have unique benefits to our health Key Points Much of what you hear about the health effects of omega-3 fatty acids is as a...
Studies find benefit of vitamin D, omega-3s, and several other key nutrients in sleep regulation and quality of sleep Key Points Lack of sleep can be attributed to many factors, however, for individuals struggling...
WEEKEND FLASH SALE: Save 15% on Any Test Kit Combination that Includes Your Omega-3 Index with Code “Omega3Day24”! Key Points 80% of people worldwide are not getting enough EPA and DHA omega-3s (and in...
A two-year follow up of VITAL trial participants highlights the lasting benefit of omega-3 supplements and the importance of continued daily supplementation with vitamin D Key Points Two years after discontinuing supplementation through the...