Save 15% on orders of $100 or more with our Celebration Sale, celebrating Father’s Day and our founder Carole Baggerly’s Birthday! To celebrate Father’s Day and our founder Carole Baggerly’s birthday, we are offering...
New study finds 60% reduction in cesarean section, 93% reduction in preeclampsia, and 96% reduction in preterm birth among women whose vitamin D level was higher than 20 ng/ml vs below 10 ng/ml at...
Several studies outline the research on vitamin D, fertility, and pregnancy success among both men and women with or without PCOS Key Points Compared to women whose vitamin D levels were sufficient at the...
Cavities are expensive! Help spread the word that daily sunshine and vitamin D might be just as important to dental health in our children as regular brushing and flossing Tooth enamel, which is the...
A summary of research and charts illustrating the gap in health outcomes and mortality between blacks and whites – a gap that virtually disappears when vitamin D deficiency is corrected Key Points Blacks are...
Some of the most compelling evidence of the need for a minimum vitamin D level of 40 ng/ml (100 nmol/L)… How fulfilling the unique need for vitamin D during pregnancy can impact prenatal, newborn...
Preterm birth risk can be reduced drastically, simply by incorporating nutrients such as vitamin D and omega-3s into the prenatal care routine Key Points A recent report from the March of Dimes shows a...
Video Friday: What is the cost (in money, time, and stress) of ignoring the importance of vitamin D and other nutrients for our health and disease PREVENTION? It’s Video Friday! In the video below,...
VIDEO FRIDAY: “Researchers have found that pregnant women with low levels of omega-3s are at most risk” for going into early labor, prompting changes in standard prenatal screening Key Points The Hospital Research Foundation...
Studies show how nutritional deficiencies can decrease conception success, and during pregnancy and early infancy, may lead to damages that are irreversible beyond certain critical points in development Key Points Vitamin D is necessary...