
What Does the Equator have to do with MS?

March 16, 2016 The amount of material the major multiple sclerosis organizations have on vitamin D, latitude and MS is colossal. MS organizations are funding research, but it may not adequately represent vitamin D’s...

The Importance of Regular Testing

February 24, 2016 The number one question I receive continues to be, “How much should I take?” The answer to that question also continues to be, “There is no magic amount. You have to...

February is Heart Health Month

February 3, 2016 February is American Heart Month. Cardiovascular disease (CVD), which includes heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure, is responsible for one out of every three (about 800,000) deaths in the United...

RCTs are not designed for public health

January 27, 2016 How do we get information to make decisions about public health from randomized controlled trials (RCT’s)? Can we? Especially for nutrient trials? At this point, we have seen so many problems...

Dosing Intervals Matter

January 20, 2016 In this newsletter, we present yet another set of vitamin D information from a different research point of view – enzymology. I had the pleasure this last week to talk with Dr....

Vitamin D controversy in the news

January 14, 2016 A paper was recently published that launched an attack on vitamin D. The paper, by lead researcher Heike A. Bischoff-Ferrari, MD, Dr PH, studied whether vitamin D would prevent functional decline...

Does vitamin D protect your brain?

January 6, 2016 Dementia encompasses a broad category of brain diseases that cause long term and gradual decline of brain function, usually starting with memory loss and increasing to loss of bodily functions. Alzheimer’s...