
Could Regular Sun Exposure Decrease Melanoma Risk?

Several studies conclude that regular sun exposure and higher vitamin D levels are related to decreased incidence of melanoma and increased melanoma survival rates Melanoma accounts for approximately 1-7% of all skin cancers (depending...

Does Vitamin D Benefit Your Skin?

What is Vitamin D Good For? (Part 3: The Dermatological System) – Vitamin D is needed by virtually every cell in the body, and is essential for hundreds of processes each and every day...

Sunlight and Health: by Marc Sorenson, EdD

Sunlight and health, from the earliest human civilizations to our current battle with COVID-19, have an inseparable link. Dr. John Fielder’s exceptionally well-written paper, History of Heliotherapy provides insight into the past. Many ancients...

Time for sensible sun exposure!

The sun is essential to optimal health and well-being. Sensible sun exposure could greatly improve health by improving vitamin D status for disease reduction, initiating the release of nitric oxide for heart health, stimulating...

How Low Did Your Winter D Level Get? Find Out Now with 15% Off PLUS the Sunshine eBook FREE! Use code WINTERD Hurry! Offer ends Sunday, March 23rd, 2025 at 11.59PM PST. (Offer not valid on the T1D Prevention Test Kit)