Demonstrated by history and proven through research: Indoor UV devices can be an effective tool to boost vitamin D levels and improve certain health conditions The sun is meant to be our main source...
Several studies conclude that regular sun exposure and higher vitamin D levels are related to decreased incidence of melanoma and increased melanoma survival rates Melanoma accounts for approximately 1-7% of all skin cancers (depending...
The body can easily produce enough vitamin D from sunshine or artificial UVB, but how do you know if you are ‘using’ it correctly? The main source of vitamin D is meant to be...
Video Friday: Watch and share this excellent review of vitamin D, what it does, and how to make sure you are getting enough It’s Video Friday! Today we feature a video by Tom Malterre,...
Meta-analysis of 43 studies supports therapeutic and prognostic role of vitamin D for COVID-19 infections An extensive amount of research has now been published on the relationship between vitamin D and immune health, from...
View these GrassrootsHealth Seminar presentations by our trusted scientists and doctors on all kinds of topics for your health As part of our efforts to bring reliable, scientific information about vitamin D to the...
One of the most important things to understand with vitamin D is the variability in individual dose-response It is not uncommon to hear general suggestions about how much vitamin D people need. Whether considering...
A recent review describes the bi-directional links between diabetes and COVID-19, and the role vitamin D may play Increased COVID-19 disease severity has been linked to several independent risk factors, including vitamin D deficiency,...
Video Friday: Healthy Society Series: The Health Benefits of Vitamin D and Solar UVB, presented by Carole Baggerly, Joan Lappe, Carol Wagner, and William Grant It’s Video Friday! This is a video recording (includes...
What is Vitamin D Good For? (Part 7: Cancer Prevention) – Vitamin D is needed by virtually every cell in the body, and is essential for hundreds of processes each and every day Cancer...