
Mental Health, Inflammation, and Vitamin D

Chronic, low-level inflammation has been linked to a number of chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, dementia, and diabetes. The higher the inflammation levels, the higher the risk of developing chronic disease. Multiple studies have...

Do You Take Your Vitamin D Daily?

Results from vitamin D trials are not always positive. One important aspect to consider when looking at any vitamin D trial is the frequency of dosing. Were supplements given daily, weekly, monthly, yearly? Instead...

Vitamin D Levels of Indoor Tanners

Sunlight and supplements are well known sources of vitamin D, but other sources of UV light, such as indoor tanning, can also effectively raise vitamin D levels. In addition to sun exposure habits, we...

Less Pain with Vitamin D?

As many of you know, those participating in the D*action project complete a comprehensive health questionnaire, which is required along with each testing sequence. This data allows us to analyze and report how vitamin...