
Do You Take Your Vitamin D Daily?

Results from vitamin D trials are not always positive. One important aspect to consider when looking at any vitamin D trial is the frequency of dosing. Were supplements given daily, weekly, monthly, yearly? Instead...

Vitamin D Levels of Indoor Tanners

Sunlight and supplements are well known sources of vitamin D, but other sources of UV light, such as indoor tanning, can also effectively raise vitamin D levels. In addition to sun exposure habits, we...

Less Pain with Vitamin D?

As many of you know, those participating in the D*action project complete a comprehensive health questionnaire, which is required along with each testing sequence. This data allows us to analyze and report how vitamin...

Vitamin D and Skin Cancer

There are three primary types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), and melanoma. A vast majority of skin cancers are BCC (~80%) or SCC (~20%). These non-melanoma skin cancers...

Are You Still Suffering from Winter Lows?

Have you tested your vitamin D lately? You may still be affected by deficiency resulting from this past winter! The chart below demonstrates the profound influence that season can have on vitamin D levels...