September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day – How could nutrients help, and what effects do they have on our mood? Key Points Vitamin D can improve self-perceived measurements of mental and emotional wellness;...
Help improve focus for you and your students by measuring your Omega-3 Index Key Points Reviews of the research on omega-3s specifically have shown improved general cognitive performance, attention, and processing speed with both...
VIDEO FRIDAY: “Researchers have found that pregnant women with low levels of omega-3s are at most risk” for going into early labor, prompting changes in standard prenatal screening Key Points The Hospital Research Foundation...
Studies show how nutritional deficiencies can decrease conception success, and during pregnancy and early infancy, may lead to damages that are irreversible beyond certain critical points in development Key Points Vitamin D is necessary...
Studies show how magnesium, omega-3s, and vitamin D can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk for hypertension, sometimes more effectively than other conventional interventions Key Points Left untreated, high blood pressure can...
Video Friday: Is your Omega-3 Index not increasing with increased doses of fish oils? The type of fish oil supplement you are taking may be the culprit! Key Points Not all supplements are created...
The top 5 scientifically proven benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, and how to make sure you are getting enough The video featured today is presented by, and covers the top 5 health benefits...
Studies show potential benefit of omega-3 fatty acids for supporting mental-emotional wellness during menopause, and overall Key Points Women approaching menopause experience many physical and mental-emotional changes and are at a higher risk of...
Meta-analysis shows that omega-3 supplementation improves lower body strength and functional performance scores for tests that are important predictors of functional ability in older age Key Points Specific outcomes in studies among those supplementing...
Symptoms of RA and other inflammatory diseases improved by decreasing pro-inflammatory fatty acids and increasing anti-inflammatory fatty acids through diet and supplementation Key Points Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease presenting with pain...