One of the world’s leading vitamin D experts, Dr. Sunil Wimalawansa, with over four decades of experience with vitamin D in clinical and laboratory practice, answers some of our latest questions. A 5-Part Interview...
The first RCT on vitamin D and cancer in 2007 showed 77% cancer prevention. That was sixteen years ago! If an intervention that costs about $10 a year can safely reduce the risk of...
With the many reports on the VITAL Randomized Controlled Trial of vitamin D and omega-3s, here are some initial findings on heart disease, cancer and death that did not make major headlines Key Points...
Help fight vitamin D misinformation and the harm that can result from articles such as the recent Forbes piece “No, You Still Don’t Need Vitamin D Supplements!” Several participants have emailed us since Forbes...
A must see video with Dr. Bruce Hollis! Learn how and when targeting higher levels of vitamin D could be of benefit to certain health conditions, plus get answers to many other vitamin D...
Video Friday: What is the cost (in money, time, and stress) of ignoring the importance of vitamin D and other nutrients for our health and disease PREVENTION? It’s Video Friday! In the video below,...
How have you and those around you responded to the latest interpretation of the VITAL trial on fracture rates? Here is the last of our 3-part response for you to share with others. Key...
How have you and those around you responded to the latest interpretation of the VITAL trial on fracture rates? Here is the second post of our 3-part response for you to share with others....
How have you and those around you responded to the latest interpretation of the VITAL trial on fracture rates? Here is Part 1 of our 3-part response for you to share with others. Key...
Vitamin D supplementation done correctly can lead to great health benefits, but when taken in very large “pulse” or “bolus” doses, it can lead to a paradoxical vitamin D deficiency and contradictory results Key...