A review describes the bi-directional links between diabetes and COVID-19; could vitamin D and magnesium affect this relationship and help protect from both? Key Points Studies have revealed the possibility of a reverse association...
Studies show how magnesium, omega-3s, and vitamin D can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk for hypertension, sometimes more effectively than other conventional interventions Key Points Left untreated, high blood pressure can...
A new review of 38 studies found that low vitamin D levels were associated with a significantly doubled increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection, severe COVID-19, and COVID-19 death Key Points A review using data from...
10% discount on any testing combination offered to all first-time participants… share this opportunity with those who don’t yet know their levels! Key Points When supplementing with either vitamin D or omega-3s, it is...
Studies find benefit of vitamin D and several other key nutrients in sleep regulation and quality of sleep Key Points Lack of sleep can be attributed to many factors, however, for individuals struggling with...
Anxiety & Depression can be Related to Poor Nutrient Status and Other Health Markers Key Points Vitamin D can improve self-perceived measurements of mental and emotional wellness; improvements have been positively associated with higher...
How many suffer with vitamin D deficiency related diseases? What can be done to change this? Introducing the Vitamin D Solution Cycle of Best Practices. Key Points A new editorial by Cavoretto and Vigano...
Vitamin D deficiency found to increase risk of miscarriage by 94% and increase risk of recurrent miscarriage 4 times; vitamin D deficiency among male partners can also contribute to risk Key Points Compared to...
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” — Benjamin Franklin All eight of the chronic diseases reported to be the most expensive are associated with vitamin D Key Points Vitamin D...
Indoor UV devices are artificial sunlight options that can provide a wide spectrum of sunshine health benefits from UVA, UVB, visible light, red light and infrared waves Key Points If outdoor sunshine in any...
The Magnesium Only Test and Lead Test will be Discontinued on Saturday, March 15th. After that date, magnesium testing will only be available as part of the Full Elements Panel, which will no longer include lead. Note, please return all tests from kits that include Mg Only no later than April 15, 2025.